Hi, this is my theme. I think the death penalty should be a well-deserved punishment for all offenders who endanger the lives of others. Offenders who may have damaged the lives of individuals, killing them or removing a portion of their bodies. There may be criminals who kill for pleasure, for stealing, on the attacks, for manslaughter or indirect. There are also kidnappers who harm their victims or psychologically maimed. In the worst cases even murdered. There are many cases that must be analyzed carefully. But finally the people, who killed the other by either money or power, deserved the death penalty. Perhaps you do not agree with me but pretend. If you happen to kill a close relative. However, I really think that if you will agree with me that the offender deserves to pay with his life for the crime. In Summary, well they stopped work. I take it the wrong way but my way of thinking. Hurst me. Well finally, I wish you a nice view of course.